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Did you ever wonder what goes through the mind
of an alcoholic? Why won’t he stop drinking? How
many jobs must be lost or relationships destroyed?
How many DUIs does it take for him to quit?
Doesn’t he know he is killing himself? If you
wondered this about a family member or loved one
or have asked these questions about yourself, this
book gives insight into one alcoholic’s mind and his personal journey to get sober and actions he takes daily to ensure lasting sobriety.

Life was fun and games until Kyle killed a mother and her two children in a drunk driving crash. He has to come to terms with his alcoholism and the precious lives he took. Tony, the grieving husband and father, a recovering alcoholic himself relapses and decides he must kill the man who took his family. What happens when two men dealing with the same catastrophe collide?

Special $9.99

Now Available


What happens when the family gets sick right along with the alcoholic or addict? What do you do when every attempt to help the person you love blows up in your face? Are you a fed-up enabler?

I feel your pain.

The Fed-Up Enablers Guide to Constructive Love is fresh approach to helping the alcoholic or addict without destroying yourself and the family in the process. 

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