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  • kreeger0803

Freedom through Humility

What if I proposed this concept? "If you are humble, you can never be humiliated"

It took me a good while to come to that realization because early in my journey into Sobriety I considered the words humiliation and humble as somehow linked. That you could only become humble by being humiliated. I now know better.

Let's define the terms.

Humiliate is to: to reduce (someone) to a lower position in one's own eyes or others' eyes: to make (someone) ashamed or embarrassed. (Merriam-Webster).

Humility has been defined many different ways. The feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others (Cambridge). A modest or low view of one's own importance (Oxford). Finally, CS Lewis said this. "Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking about yourself less." Humiliation and Humility are completely different!

Back to my proclamation that "If you are humble, you can never be humiliated".

If a person is truly humble, they are immune to humiliation. Humble people understand that they are no more or less important than anyone else. We realize we are a part of a whole that is our world. We are neither prideful or a patsy. With that attitude, what other people think, say, or feel about us, is none of our business. If someone is trying to humiliate us, that becomes their problem, not ours. You see if we are truly humble, we should not care what others think or say about us as long as we are doing the right thing and are doing the best we can.

Remember, no one can humiliate you; you can only let them humiliate you. Yes, they can get a group of people think less of you through their words and actions, but only you, can internalize that, and put it on yourself.

When someone tries to humiliate me, I first take a moment for self-reflection. I am I doing the right thing? Am I trying to be selfless? Am I spiritually sound? If yes to all, then they have the problem not me. I just simply say "good luck with your problem".

I do not let other people’s petty issues rent free space in my head.

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