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  • kreeger0803

Graveyard of Procrastination

When I look at a graveyard, I imagine there is a section for the procrastinators. If the tombstones were honest they might say, "I was planning on doing it tomorrow" or "I always wanted to". I listened to a talk from a motivational speaker where he spoke with elderly people close to the end of there life and he asked them what they regretted. To his surprise it wasn't things they did or things they failed at, it was things they wanted to do but never started.

So, what will be your regrets at the end of your life? Did you not open that small business? Did you not write that book? Did you not start that blog? Did you not hike that trail? Did you not run that marathon? Did you not travel to that wonderful place? Did you not jump out of a perfectly good airplane and float to the ground with a parachute above your head and the world below. Did you not chase that goal?

Procrastination is normal. I believe we all fall into that trap. It is certainly easier to sit in our comfort zone, safe and protected from the work, pain, effort, and also the fear of failure. What if you do take that leap and fail? What if you spend countless hours or even years working towards a goal and not getting there or reaching the goal and it wasn't the incredible wonder you thought it would be. Was it a waste of time? I SUBMIT, THE ANSWER IS No!!

First we must take action or start the journey. We must focus on the small steps in the journey; not the end goal. The journey in all cases will take time and effort. If it doesn't, it probably isn't worth it. We must be present and aware during the journey and find the joy in the journey. If we use the journey to learn and grow as a person, even if we never reach the destination, we win. Remember, the greatest regrets are not failing to reach the goal, but not trying.

It is possible that the goal in your mind, possibly your life's dream, may not be what you really were born to achieve or will not bring satisfaction. You will never know that truth unless you start the journey. You may find halfway through the journey that you are on the wrong path. Have you lost precious time? No, you have learned, gained strength, experience, and grown. If you were enjoying and embracing the journey and were aware in every small step, then you may see a fork in the road that takes you on another more satisfying journey. That fork may lead to many forks. many journeys, many adventures, many memories. If you are trudging through the journey focusing only on the end goal, than you may miss all the wonderful forks in the road. The forks are the path to no regrets!

So, we have to ask ourselves, what do I want to do, see, experience, or achieve? I must resist the trap of what others and society says I should do or be. I must move the goal from mind to to action. This action starts the experience of learning and growing and finding new journeys I never dreamed of.

So, get up early everyday, take that first step. Take a leap and grow your wings on the way down. Crash, burn, live, love, and have no regret at the end of your life.

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