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  • kreeger0803

How I stay Sober? Hang out with Drunks

I spent the first half of my life hanging out with other drunks like me. Together we blanketed ourselves in a sense of chemical comfort. The result was broken lives and shattered dreams.

So, it may seem odd that I would say I stay sober by hanging out with drunks. Well, to stay sober, I surround myself with other alcoholics in recovery. Together we support each other in our quest to stay sober. It works! We are warriors on the same mission. We share what works and encourage each other to stay the course, one day at a time. We achieve success and that success breeds further success. We have witnessed so many alcoholics pridefully attempt to go at it alone and fail time and again. This to reinforces the need to stay connected. So, if you want to stay sober, hang out with other drunks. Just make sure they are the sober variety.

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