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  • kreeger0803

Information Saturation! Bad for your Sobriety and Serenity

Keep it Simple is the watch word in AA! That can be difficult when we are bombarded everyday with information. Information overload comes in many packages but in this post I will focus on the just the news.

Think about how news was broadcasted in the 1700's. It was the town crier. He would stand on a box in the village square and give you any important announcements. His reach was about 100 feet. Also, there were books. In the 1800's there were newspapers and they were 97% local, 2% national, and 1% international. In other words just the big stuff. Books were becoming more popular. In the early 1900's newspapers were able to have more national and international news because of the telephone and radio. But still, the news was just facts and the most critical items due to time and space constraints.

In the mid to late 1900's, the explosion happened with television and the internet. Now news from all over the nation and the world is sent to you through every means imaginable. there are at least six 24 hour news channels on my satellite package. My phone is bombarded with pop-ups of breaking news. Social media sights are saturated with make believe journalist telling us why everyone is wrong, corrupt, and the world is a cesspool. In live in Kentucky and I get news on a house catching fire in California. Sad event, but do i really need to know every house that catches fire in the world? Also the news is no longer news. Depending on what outlet forces the news down your throat, it is 5% news and 95% commentary on how they want you to interpret the event. You are smart people, you can make your own interpretation news events. Oh, what happened to books??

Those of us in recovery must be cautious of information overload. We must be focused on what is truly important. What is that? Our sobriety, serenity, and doing the next right thing each day. We need to continue to be the best person we can be and focus our lives toward the common good. I am not saying ignore the world. I am recommending reserving no more than 30 minutes daily receiving news and spend the rest of your 24 hours fulfilling your goals and dreams.

So, let's live local! Rick Danko (The Band) once said "When I was young I wanted to change the world. Now, I just help the neighborhood". I live that motto. So, be aware of the entire world but make a difference in your family and local community. It will be time better spent and will keep you sane and most importantly Sober!

Keep it Simple

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