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  • kreeger0803

Locked Up, Covered Up, or Sobered Up

One of the many phrases you hear frequently in the rooms of recovery meetings is Locked Up, Covered up, or Sobered up. It is generally preceded or proceeded by something like this. "Well fellows, there are only three fates for Alcoholics like us". It is a saying I take seriously. As an alcoholic with an 100% incurable but also 100% treatable condition, I do have a choice.

Let's break it down.

Locked Up

As an active alcoholic or addict it is only a matter of time that our addiction will get us in some serious trouble. For the alcoholic and addict there are DUI's and aggravated DUI's which include car wrecks and the injury or death of another person. Violent outburst, fights, domestic disputes, and theft. All these occur as a result of the madness and desperation of the disease we suffer from. Often proceeding these actions are loss of jobs, relationships, possessions, and in some cases even a roof over our head. Mentally there is a an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness, self loathing, paranoia, and for many suicidal thoughts.

Many of our recovery community are all to familiar with this phase of the madness.

Good News!!

If you experienced a little of, a lot of, or all of what has been described above, you can jump to choice number three. However, many proceed to choice two Covered Up.

Covered Up

This is a nice way to say DEAD! Yes, despite losing so much to our addictions and paying many prices, physically, spiritually, and emotionally we continue down the path towards an early and ugly death. The disease we suffer from has been so beautifully described as cunning, baffling, and powerful. Once in the grips of addiction to drugs or alcohol (news flash - Alcohol is a drug!), the sufferer feels there is no way out. They just can't break the chains of the addiction and even when they see death coming, they often give up and ride the wave into the abyss.

Sobered Up

As one of the fortunate that found the right choice, I am forever grateful. When I stumbled into the rooms of Alcoholic Anonymous for the first time, I did not know what to expect and I doubted anything could fix this drunk. I certainly was within a year of being covered up. It was that bottom staring me in the face that brought me to my knees and to the rooms. What I found was a program that kept me s

ober one day at a time. A program where you have undying support from other sober warriors in the program. You learn how to live and thrive without your chemical crutch. You reset your life and slowly remove every self imposed limitation and barrier that came with the addiction. Your learn the fact that you have an incurable but 100% treatable disease and if you treat it daily, you do not have to die from it. You find peace, serenity, self respect, happiness, and security.

So, if you are out there struggling with an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or both, you have three choices. If you choose Sobered Up, then find the nearest recovery meeting. I promise we are waiting for you and are willing to help!

Note: The picture on this blog is a t-shirt a fellow alcoholic and I designed to remind us of our choice.

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