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  • kreeger0803

My life in Recovery Is it really as good as they say?

I give it a resounding yes. I am truly amazed that life in recovery is better than I could have ever imagined. Just the fact that I don’t ever have to worry about getting a DUI or going to jail because alcohol was running the show is a relief. I don’t have to worry about alcohol taking my job, my marriage, my family, my house, my self-esteem, and of course my life. But that is only the beginning. I am actively involved in a fellowship of recovering and recovered people like me and draw strength from them and hopefully they do from me in turn. I have the opportunity now to help others who are suffering with this horrible and unforgiving disease. I am becoming the person I have always wanted to be. I am changing into the person that my parents would be proud of and my children want to look up to. I am becoming the rock my wife always wanted and deserved in her life. I can smile and really mean it. Words like peace of mind and serenity actually apply in my life.

I am not saying that life is perfect. Life still comes at me on life’s terms. The difference is I am now clear headed and I can deal with life’s twists and turns calmly. I have a higher power that is with me to get me through any challenge. I don’t drink over life or try to drink life away. Things I can’t totally handle, I give over to my higher power and somehow I get through it. I no longer live a life of constant chaos. I don’t drown in self-pity and resentment. I can now look at myself in the mirror and like what I see.

What truly amazes me is I am no longer a selfish person who has to have everything his way on his terms. Oh, that selfish bastard is in there, ready to come out at any moment, but I strive to be selfless in all things I do. I choose to no longer be the center of my own personal universe. I do not hurt others, and if I do, I quickly make amends and fix my behavior. I regret my past deeds but do not dwell on them. I try to learn from them instead. I no longer worry about the future. I live for today and I am happy.


And That’s all Right with Me

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