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  • kreeger0803

Only Recovered Alcoholics and Addicts Know the Truth About Anthony Bourdain

When the news broke that Anthony Bourdain world renown chef and TV host had committed suicide the world was confused and shocked.  How could someone with all that success and traveled the globe for his job simply kill himself?  he had a dream life and a dream job. On the surface, anyone would have loved to change places with him. People searched for answers as the suicide dominated the weeks news cycle. No definitive answers were found to explain the tragedy.

     Ask any successful recovered alcoholic or addict and they will all say the same thing. "We saw it coming a mile away". We were not shocked, we see it everyday. This is what we know.

    Anthony Bourdain was a heroin addict in his younger years. This was no secret as he openly talked about his addiction and how it almost destroyed his life. Although he quit using heroin, he still drank alcohol. Those of us fortunate ones in successful recovery understand that once addicted to drugs or alcohol, that person must refrain from all mind altering substances to move from recovering to recovered.

   The term recovered does not mean cured from the disease of addiction. It means that that you have recovered from a hopeless state of mind and body. You are still an addict and if you use your drug of choice or any substitute you will continue to deteriorate mentally and physically. Substituting one drug for another, just shifts your addiction to the next substance. It may delay the eventual self destruction but rest assured a bad end will come to the alcoholic or addict who chooses this substitution technique. For those who are confused alcohol may be legal but it is A DRUG!!!.

    Anthony Bourdain died from the destructive mental anguish and the insanity that addiction brings.    

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